Stardust Mirror
Stardust Mirror's JournalSince it's fair to assume almost all of Drumpf's appointment picks are based on bribes..
isn't there some sort of evidence trail that could be used to prosecute him for government-by-bribe?
I mean it's not like he knows anything about the government agencies he's appointing people to head, or the countries he's giving ambassadorships to. Someone has to be screening all the requests to submit bids/bribes to get positions they want. I don't believe anyone on the Drumpf team is researching who is best qualified for any of these positions but I would venture there is a team screening/soliciting bribe bids.
OK those are my crazy thoughts. I'm ready to be corrected and informed.
"If you can't laugh at yourself..
you may be missing The Joke of the Century"
- Dame Edna
possible societal benefits from Universal Basic Income:
people wouldn't murder to get money
people wouldn't steal to feed themselves and their families
since money would not be the measure of self worth, like it is to so many in our society now, other character traits would become measures of self worth, maybe even positive character traits like empathy, helpfulness, expertise, skills, honesty, etc
people maybe would have choices of where to work not restricted to working for abusive narcissists in dictatorial settings.
I bet you could think of more likely benefits.
I know I'm probably wrong about some things and I welcome learning about them.
I spent about an hour last night learning about the history of Kabuki Theatre in Japan
it only took a minute or two to learn about the history of Kabuki Theatre in the United States since I've lived through much of it in real time
Putin has just named Donald Trump Ambassador to the United States.
copied from Julius Kim
I think you may have misheard
The Agency Drumpf nominated Matt Gaetz to head up is Child Protective Services
the fascists are going to
end no-fault divorce
make it a crime to report a rape if the rapist doesn't get found guilty in court
make it a crime to report sexual harassments if the harasser doesn't get found guilty in court
make it ok to rape a spouse
what else?
new name for legacy, corporate, MSM: Oligarch Media /nt
message deleted by OP
People convinced me that the post could be used in harmful ways.
Others have made the point I was trying to make w/o giving any openings to the fascists.
beatings, I mean assassination "attempts", will continue til ratings improve
yes I'm a conspiracy theorist
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Member since: Sun Sep 18, 2016, 10:04 PMNumber of posts: 623